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Grand Oak TCM 狮城有约 生活小学堂:安神秘诀

Gabriel Chan

COVID-19 doesn’t just make people physically sick. It has also affected many emotionally, mentally and has took a toll on our well-being.

What can we do to overcome these? Is there any food that can help nourish and calm the mind? In this episode of 生活小学堂 Dr Gabriel Chan was invited to share with you how to nourish and calm the mind with food and TCM acupoints. Do watch the video to find out how we can help fight anxiety, and massage on some acupoints to relieve stress.

疫情反反复复,日子充满着不确定性,容易情绪低迷。面对海量的疫情信息,长期下来可能影响心理健康,如何自我放松,改善心神不宁的状态?哪些食疗和舒展运动有助养心安神? 现今生活似乎已离不开疫情这两个字,每天滑手机或浏览互联网时都可能看到同疫情相关的信息,有时会被来自四面八方的负面消息压得喘不过气。面对变幻莫测的疫情,情绪也容易像坐过山车一样起伏不定。《狮城有约》这一集的《生活小学堂》请来中医师和你分享如何养心安神。 中医师表示,黑巧克力、香蕉、蜂蜜等一些食物有助对抗焦虑,也能借助按摩一些穴位来纾解压力,我们还可通过哪些舒展运动帮助舒缓肌肉紧绷感?心理学家会在这一集的节目中分享保持良好心理健康的方法。



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